Thursday, July 24, 2008

what to do when you're blue...

Sometimes on the weekends, when I don't have any plans and I'm feeling kind of lonely, I go to the pet store to get supplies for my cat. They always have animal adoptions on the weekends and, while I know all the cute little critters with no homes should bring me down, it always cheers me up... I know, how selfish. Last weekend there was this:

I know SOMEONE must need a pile of kittens or a father-son pair of chihuahuas?

then one day...

i think espresso tried to tell me it loves me back...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

lose yourself...

this summer... packages for every price range...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

album of the week...

The History of the Real Billie Holiday, because a lady's gotta right to sing the blues...