I used to hate this beach as a kid because during the summers, it was always too rocky and stick-y to walk around. In the winter though, the shoreline is scattered with all kinds of little shells, filled with little critters walking around in the little tide pools. There was this bird showing off for me, fluffing his feathers so of course I took a few photos of him and, as it turns out, he may very well be an albatross (according to my know-it-all boss) which I guess is a somewhat rare sighting around these parts - sort of like an LA native around here these days.

Did you know I've still never eaten at [secret place]???!
WHAT??? I henceforth disown you!!!
JK, and also, the boss looked this bird up and was pretty let down to discover that he is merely a Juvenile Double Crested Cormorant and not an Albatross, as he originally thought. Juvenile Delinquent Crested Cormorant is more like it...
Neptunes Net?
Way to ruin everything, anonymous. At least Georgia had the good sense not to mention it, though she did completely blow the lid off my other favorite secret place by writing a whole blog-post about it. I suppose this isn't quite as bad...
Anonymous like to ruin things, like scientology.
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