Monday, June 23, 2008

you can take the girl out of the OC...

...but you can never take the Del Taco out of the girl.

The straight-edge vegan kids got one thing right... bean-fries. Their version was just beans on fries with guacamole but I always liked it with the works since I'm not a total wuss and only skip the chili concoction instead of also missing out on the wholesome goodness of Del Taco's dairy-related products like the sour cream that comes out of a tube. As far as I'm concerned, this is one of those guilty-pleasure/vegetarian-cult-food-faves that far surpasses In 'n' Out's "secret" grilled-cheese.

The cat's not-so-secret guilty pleasure? French fries.


Anonymous said...

that looks quite it's prob really good. Nice cat in the pic. U still think I be someone else, doncha?!

Unknown said...

No, I know exactly who you are - you talk like a crazy hawaiian by the way. I went to your blog but I don't care about the lakers or avril lavine so it was pretty boring...

Anonymous said...

yep, u totally think i am someone else. haha that's funny

leah said...

So then who are you? I know where you are thanks to my site-meter, but not who.

Anonymous said...

3 clues and then I will leave your site forever:

1. I grew up in Canada.
2. I know the person u think i am. We all went to the same camp...but not at the same time.
3. ______________________

leah said...


No, um... I have an idea but I'm not sure how it came to me. I would be really impressed with myself if I was right but I hate being wrong so I'm not going to say it out loud. I feel like the Canadian hint should have helped more but my memory is better with visual details or if, perhaps, you're the type of person with whom I'd associate a song or a musician...